The Demon Disorder (2024)

As the brothers wrestle with their father’s legacy, old wounds between them begin to resurface. Graham, the eldest, takes on the responsibility of leading, but the tension between him and his brothers grows as they are forced to face the haunting together. Jake, the middle brother, tries to be the peacemaker, but even he can’t ignore the supernatural presence that grows stronger each day. Phillip, the youngest, feels the most betrayed, both by his father’s secret and the ghosts of their family’s past. Follow Levidia Horror Movies for more.

The Demon Disorder Movie Online Free Streaming

Title: The Demon Disorder (2024)
Genres: 2024 Movies | Horror
Director: Steven Boyle
Writer: Steven Boyle, Toby Osborne
Stars: Charles Cottier, Dirk Hunter, Amy Ingram